Monday, October 25, 2010

Couch to 5k-W2D1

Rain, rain, go away! Okay I have been very fortunate to not have to run in the rain yet since it has rained the whole time I have been doing this program. However today it's rainning and it doesn't look like it will be stopping for me to run. I waited a little while to see if it would stop but I don't want to put it off too long because then I will end up not running at all. I decided I was just going to run in the rain after waiting an hour and a half. I went and ran in the rain! I hated it! At first I was fine but then I got so mad at myself. "You know you wouldn't need to run if you took better care of yourself." Then I was thinking about the situation with my husbands orders. I started crying because I was so mad. Exercise is something I can control, my husbands career- that's God's department! Needless to say I finished todays run soaking wet.

It's an hour since I finished my run. The rain has stopped and the sun is trying to poke through. Go figure! I'm just thinking, if I try to talk myself into quitting I will remind myself of the day I had to run in the rain. Do you really want to quit after all of that? NO!

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